
Showing posts from November, 2019

Visual Symbols

Visual symbols is the representations of the reality, which comes in the form of signs and symbols. Making of visual symbols is definitely not easy, it can make you drain and your pocket. We are asked to make eight visual symbols and unfortunately, I have finished four of it only. The deadline is next week. The reason on why i still got finish, it is because of lack of money, with the money and all, it can easily for me to make it for sure. I have also no access with the internet. The finished four visual symbols are map, chart, diagram and graph. In making of this instructional materials, it must be durable and clear in the farthest pupil or student in the classroom. It must also be colorful because it can also be the reason for tje student to be active and attentive in the class discussion.    


Flashcards is one of the tools that can be use by the teacher to motivate the students and get their attention. Using also of flashcards can be use to introduce new topic for that certain meeting or session. Making of flashcards was not that easy especially if you have lack of financial. We are instructed to make ten flashcards for each topic. My topic was about different types of landforms. I had presented in the class the ten images of different types of landform around the world. Each card must be durable so that it can be use many times in the same situation.

Puppet Show

On October 30, 2019, we are instructed to show the video of our Puppet Show. The puppet show film was played along with the English major students. Our puppet show is about gods and goddesses. It was about Zeus, Herra, and Calisto. It is where Zeus is married with Herra but has an affair with Calisto. My role in the show was, I portrayed as Calisto, I am the human mistress of the powerful god which is Zeus. In the story, I died. It was a bit tragic story. Lastly, the definition of a puppet show is a show in which the actors and actresses is a puppet.   

QR Code

Nowadays, we all know that technology is advancing and by that, there is this so called scanner which is known as QR Code. It was created by a Japanese corporation Denso-Wave in 1994. QR stands for "Quick Response" and from the word itself 'quick', it was easier and faster to get information through this application. You just have to decode the code by its scanner and then you will be able to read or get the message of that certain QR code. We are instructed to create our own QR code by putting five to ten sentences about ourselves. It was a great first time experience because although I am familiar of the image of the QR code, I have no idea what its name. I believe also that using QR code in teaching really helps a lot because it can be use of giving directions and information by the teachers. The QR code that we created was put into a bit twist because we are instructed to exchange our QR code to our classmates and we will scan it and th...

Contrive Experience

On October 24, 2019 is the day that was given to us to present our contrive experience or we can call it, a diorama. Making of diorama is fun, it feels exciting to build a small piece in a small space. Our group consisting of eight members created a contrive experience about Philippine-American war that happened between 1898 to 1902. The materials that we used was a human soldier toys with their weapons and a helicopter that is belong to the Americans because they have the complete tools that can be use in a war. Our diorama was very easy to handle and it was really weightless because we used a styro foam as the ground. We can also say that it was durable because we have it try.    

Mock Demonstration

Using the flashcards, I conducted my mock demonstration at our own classroom and my students was my classmates. The flashcards that I made, I used it in my mock demonstration using the visual symbol, the political map. In my so called class, I let my students to identify and locate the four major types of landform which are the plains, mountains, hills and plateaus. I let them to post a certain flashcard on the board in which it was located. My objective for that session was, the students will be able to identify and locate the four major types of landform. After the mock demo, I am so thankful to my classmates because they really participated in my so called class discussion.