The Survey on the Use of ICT in the Teaching and Learning for Teachers (Narrative Report)

The Survey on the Use of ICT in the Teaching and Learning for Teachers

          Nowadays, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays an important role in education. It is not only for the purpose of disseminating and storing information and communication but also for teaching and learning process/method in the school or in the classroom itself. Using of ICT in this generation is very important because the learners today or the so called 21st century learners are very fan and exposed to the new technologies. Technology is rapidly advancing so as the learners wherein the teachers also need to involve themselves unto it.

         We conducted a survey to the selected 20 teachers coming from different schools through online regarding on the use of ICT in the teaching and learning process.

In the survey, there was 10 questions that is answerable by yes or no. The survey would held us to determine whether how many from the 20 selected teachers usea technology for teaching and who is not and is preferred to use the traditional way. It could also help us to know if the learners are learning better and enjoying in the class with the use of ICT for instruction or not, and also for the teachers.

          In conclusion to the survey, most of the respondents (teachers) answered that they are using technology for teaching. Although some of them still using non-digital learning resources but majority was using technology. Most of the teachers uses technologies for classroom activities in despite of fewer facilities to use technology tools. Majority also of them says that the students are learning better and enjoying with the use of technology tools.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has really a major role to the teachers and also the learners especially in this era, the 21st century. Utilizing ICT could make the learners to become globally competent and developed their communication skills.


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