Word Game (Narrative Report)
Word game
A game is a type of activity that is performed by two or more individuals or teams competitively. We cannot say that a game is well played if there was no loser or winner. Every game has a winner and you are lucky if it will be you and you lose then you must accept it wholeheartedly. In every competition, you can be the winner or a loser and you should always be aware of that. And a game has mechanics and rules.
Our class are grouped into 5 and each group has to decide of what game they would pick and the other group is the one who would play the game that the other group's prepared. Our team's game was Charades game, it is a word guessing game. The mechanics of the game is, a single person would act out each syllable of a word or phrase in order, followed by the whole phrase together, while the rest of the group guessed. Our game was a bit boring because all of the words that is used to guess is already given but still, it was successful and most important is our classmates still enjoyed not minding who was the winner and loser because it doesn't matter at all as long as they as exert effort on playing the game that our team prepared.
A game is a competition, sometimes you win sometimes you lose but what the most important is you fight, you give your best, you exert effort and you enjoyed. Despite of the differences of every group's game, it still the same at some aspects because all the game has winners and losers. It is well played by the good players and well facilitated by the good facilitators. I can relate life as a game because in life, it is a battle of giving up and keep fighting and if you want to win and/or succeed, you should do you best.
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